
Maximum of six players at a table

Play with a standard 52 card deck with two jokers added. Additional cards, dice, pens and papers, or electronic timers might be needed.

Each hand there are five deals, each with a round of betting. This totals to nine cards per player.

During the first deal, each player will get four cards. The first three will be face down, while the last will be face up.

During the second, third and fourth deals, each player will get one card face up.

During the final deal, each player will be dealt two cards, the first face up and the final face down.

Each hand is six cards instead of five, with scoring rules to match (see web app). There are also some nomenclature changes.

Every time a St George is played in a scoring hand, add another conditional modifier by pressing the button in the web app above.

Certain conditional modifiers are intentionally vague. The current dealer makes the final call on the interpretation of the modifier during that hand.


Dragon Poker was the original idea of the late Robert Asprin. In all likelihood, though I don't know for sure, the rights have passed to his co-writer, Jody Lynn Nye. In any case, the game does not belong to me. This is strictly a derivative fan effort; no copyright infringement is intended.

Rules and modifiers 0, 18 through 241, and infinity from theshadowedsaint's now defunct website.

Thanks to Kenney for the card assets in the cover.

Published 26 days ago
StatusIn development
Authors1lv3r dr4g0n
GenreCard Game

Development log

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