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Great job, I love the aesthetic of the 3D areas and the flying felt great. Would be great to see something with a larger world

Flying felt pretty good, walking definitely ended up feeling too fast for me after flying too (and slid too much when trying to stop as a result.) The intended starting walking speed was fine though, I might lower it a tad, but that really depends on how far apart things are gonna be.
At first I didn't like how much going uphill could slow you down, but I've come around on that a bit, and it's probably more effort to deal with that than it's worth.

The flying is cool, but the rolling feels a bit too slow and I think you keep your flying speed after flying where the floor would be instead of resetting to the walking speed. As far as I can tell that's it for bugs and it feels good otherwise, I can't wait for it to be more fleshed out!